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Living in the Homeland Panel

  • Online Zoom Toronto Canada (map)

Dialogue Series

Living in the Homeland Panel

Have you ever thought about living overseas? Curios about options for employment? Language barriers? Or, the cultural transition? These questions, and many more will be explored during our next panel wherein adoptees currently living in their birth country will share insights.

We’re pleased to hear the first-hand perspectives and learn about the unique experiences living and working in their homeland. Attendees will also be given the opportunity to ask the panelists questions.

Be sure to RSVP below to save your spot!

If you'd like to connect with adult adoptees in the community sooner, you're invited to do so via our Discord channel. Our Discord (a live messaging platform), is exclusive to the adoption triad, and where conversations are held in real time covering a range of topics including our Chat of the Week series.

September 10

Moon Festival Celebrations

November 19

Christmas Market Meetup